AP News

Posted on: Monday, October 19, 2020 - 4:20am
NEW YORK (AP) — Twitter blocked a post Sunday from an adviser to President Donald Trump who suggested that masks do not work to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Scott Atlas, who joined... READ MORE »

Posted on: Monday, October 19, 2020 - 4:17am
WASHINGTON (AP) — After struggling to ramp up coronavirus testing, the U.S. can now screen several million people daily, thanks to a growing supply of rapid tests. But the boom comes with a... READ MORE »

Posted on: Sunday, October 18, 2020 - 5:05am
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Police said Friday they arrested a man suspected of stealing a ring-tailed lemur from the San Francisco Zoo, where officials rewarded a 5-year-old boy who helped... READ MORE »

Posted on: Sunday, October 18, 2020 - 4:56am
DENVER (AP) — Helmet, goggles, skis? Check. Hand sanitizer, face covering, reservation? Check. Roughly seven months after the coronavirus cut the ski season short at the height of spring... READ MORE »

Posted on: Sunday, October 18, 2020 - 4:54am
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A free speech demonstration staged by conservative activists quickly fell apart in downtown San Francisco on Saturday after several hundred counterprotesters surged the... READ MORE »

Posted on: Saturday, October 17, 2020 - 5:48am
PARIS (AP) — For the second time in three weeks, terror struck France, this time with the gruesome beheading of a history teacher in a street in a Paris suburb. The suspected attacker was... READ MORE »

Posted on: Saturday, October 17, 2020 - 5:46am
PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — The email from a political action committee seemed harmless: if you support Joe Biden, it urged, click here to make sure you're registered to vote. But Harvard... READ MORE »

Posted on: Saturday, October 17, 2020 - 5:42am
CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) — Americans are accustomed to standing in line. They queue up for airport security, the latest iPhone, COVID tests, concerts or food. But the line of voters building... READ MORE »

Posted on: Friday, October 16, 2020 - 6:03am
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump and Democrat Joe Biden squared off, in a way, Thursday night in dueling televised town halls that showcased striking differences in temperament,... READ MORE »

Posted on: Friday, October 16, 2020 - 5:14am
More than 17 million Americans have already cast ballots in the 2020 election, a record-shattering avalanche of early votes driven both by Democratic enthusiasm and a pandemic that has... READ MORE »
