Latest by Seth Borenstein

Published on June 23, 2024 - Page 4
As temperatures and humidity soar outside, what's happening inside the human body can become a life-or-death battle decided by just a few degrees....
Published on June 18, 2024 - Page 18
FOREST PARK, Illinois (AP) -- Mayumi Barrack sees a pair of mating periodical cicadas getting together, whips out her phone, says, "Hi guys!" and...
Published on March 12, 2024 - Page 8
For polar bears, the climate change diet is a losing proposition, a new study suggests. With Arctic sea ice shrinking from climate change, many polar...
Published on January 10, 2024 - Page 8
Earth last year shattered global annual heat records, flirted with the world's agreed-upon warming threshold and showed more signs of a feverish...
Published on October 20, 2023 - Page 5
The winter looks likely to be a bit low on snow and extreme cold outbreaks. Federal forecasters predict the North will get warmer than normal and the...
Published on October 10, 2023 - Page 6
After a summer of record-smashing heat, warming somehow got even worse in September as Earth set a new mark for how far above normal temperatures...
Published on September 14, 2023 - Page 22
The deadly firestorm in Hawaii and Hurricane Idalia's watery storm surge helped push the United States to a record for the number of weather...
Published on August 3, 2023 - Page 18
At about summer's halfway point, the record-breaking heat and weather extremes are both unprecedented and unsurprising, hellish yet boring in some...
Published on July 14, 2023 - Page 10
An already warming Earth steamed to its hottest June on record, smashing the old global mark by nearly a quarter of a degree, the U.S. National...
Published on April 8, 2023 - Page 4
Changes in air patterns as the world warms will likely push more and nastier hurricanes up against the United States' east and Gulf coasts,...